Bill Splitting with Venmo
An addition to Venmo's existing interface that makes one of the most common user tasks even easier.

Why isn't this easier?
Venmo and apps like it have created a new norm for how friends split expenses. People no longer put down 5 cards and write down their amounts on the back of receipts, more likely one person puts down a card and says “just Venmo me later” and everyone obliges.
Despite this, Venmo doesn’t have a feature that allows users to share expenses between friends (ie splitting a check for dinner, splitting multiple checks from a night out, splitting expenses for a group vacation).
Venmo's current solution to bill splitting
The app has a couple of different solutions to problems users face while splitting bills, but these features are little-known and have meaningful gaps in functionality

Screenshot of the split purchase feature
Split Purchase
If purchases are made using a Venmo card or by linking your Venmo to a third-party app (like paying for take out with Grubhub), users will see a CTA to Split Purchase.
Pain Points
Only available to people who use Venmo to pay for a service.
Users must split the charge evenly and can't add custom amounts
Appears to only be available for a window of time after the purchase is made.
Adding Multiple People
When a user creates a new request, they're prompted to add a recipient. Once a recipient is chosen, they're taken to the Pay or Request screen, but if a user clicks the recipient they can add more people to the charge.
Pain Points
Users need to go backwards in the flow to add additional recipients, and it's unclear that this feature is available.
Users can only put in the amount they want to charge each person, which means they still need to do math outside the app.
All recipients must be charged the same amount, users are unable to customize the amount charged per recipient without making a new request.

request with one recipient

request with Multiple recipients
How might we improve the experience of splitting expenses using Venmo?
Discovering how users to split expenses and what their common frustrations are.
Translating research findings into meaningful and intuitive solutions.
Integrating the new feature seamlessly into Venmo's exisitng UI.
Using a prototype ton test viability and discover pain points.
Changing designs to solve for pain points discovered during user testing.